If you are looking for ways to conserve energy, save water and help preserve the environment, you may consider starting at home. Going green is becoming more and more prevalent in our socially conscious society. There are a handful of ways to help preserve the amount of water you are using in your home. First things first, simply being more conscious of the water usage in your home is an important first step.
Water leaks are a major source of wasted water. Be sure to check all faucets, toilets and hoses for signs of leakage twice a year. Over time, even a small leak on toilets can lead to an enormous amount of lost or wasted water, not to mention damage to your home or landscape.
Did you know that a low-flow shower head conserves about 2 gallons of water per minute? For every 15 minute shower someone takes in your home, a low-flow shower head roughly saves over 30 gallons of water. If it’s time to update or change your shower head, you may consider checking out the low flow options. This tip is targeted at the teenagers in the house . . . try decreasing the length of your daily shower routine. Even shortening showers by 1 or 2 minutes can help save a great deal of water over time.
When it comes to your dishwasher or washing machine, full is the only option. A dishwasher and washing machine should only be run when there is a full load in both. A dishwasher uses up to 20 gallons of water per washing, that’s a lot of water to waste on a few dirty dishes, so fill it up!
Do you turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth? On average 5 gallons of water is wasted if the faucet is left running while brushing your teeth for the recommended two minutes. Be sure that you teach your children to never leave the water running when brushing. Try filling up a glass of water to rinse your mouth at the end of brushing and to clean off your toothbrush. When it comes to flushing the toilet, less is more, if you can stand it!
Finally, if you are thinking of updating your appliances, look for appliances that are energy efficient. Energy saving appliances have a water preservation component, saving gallons of water with each use. If you have any questions about any of these water saving tips or need assistance installing new appliances, a new toilet, or low flow shower heads, call Metro Septic and Plumbing today.